Warranty Process
I'm having trouble with the warranty claim form.
If I don’t change my TEMPUR-ActiveBreeze® filter, will my warranty be voided?
Does Scotch Guarding the cover of my mattress or pillow void the warranty?
When I get a warranty replacement, do I receive a new warranty?
What is the warranty for my mattress?
Power Bases & Foundations
What is the warranty for my flat foundation?
What is the warranty for my power base?
Pillows, Cushions, & Toppers
What is the warranty for Toppers?
What is the warranty for cushions?
What is the warranty for my pillow?
Bedding & Accessories
What is the warranty for my sheets?
How long is the warranty for the Sleeptracker-AI®?
Do the travel pillows have a warranty?
How do I register my TEMPUR-ActiveBreeze® sleep system?
What products can I register?
Do I have to register my Tempur-Pedic product for the warranty to be vaild?
Where do I register my Tempur-Pedic products?
File A Warranty Claim
I purchased from Costco. Who handles my warranty?
Where is my power base serial number located?
What photos do I need for a power base claim?
What photos do I need for a foundation warranty claim?
What photos do I need for a pillow, topper, or accessory warranty claim?
See all 11 articles